
Standard libray for visualising ontology in prescribed notation using plantUML.

The visual notation used in this standard library is below. Ontology visual notation

Table of contents


For using the standard notation for ontology, include ontologyv*.iuml in your puml file

!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iofoundry/ontopuml/main/ontologyv2.iuml

For IOF specific styling, include iof.iuml. Please see <> for creating custom styling

!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iofoundry/ontopuml/main/iof.iuml


Create class

Procedure class takes two parameters.

  1. class variable that identifies the class throughout the screipt.
  2. IRI of the class
uml diagram

Create individual

Procedure individual takes two parameters.

  1. class variable that identifies the individual throughout the screipt.
  2. IRI of the individual
uml diagram

Create membership of an individual

Procedure instanceOf takes two parameters.

  1. class variable that is the type of the individual
  2. individual variable that has type (rdf:type) the class
!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iofoundry/ontopuml/main/iof.iuml
class(c1, "bfo:Quality")   
individual(o1, "ns1:temperature1")
instanceOf(o1, c1)